For Sale

Following Items Are For Sale

All items are used, may be missing parts, may need repairs/adjustments, component replacement, and/or alignment adjustments for optimum performance.

Ask any questions BEFORE you purchase an item on this for sale page.

Some people have commented about packing and shipping cost. Unfortunately, the cost for products and services which include packing and shipping costs, have increased. I have no control over those fees.

I do not pack large items such as receivers, transmitters, transceivers, power supplies, etc., I have a local Pack & Ship store pack those large items.

Items packed at home by the seller instead of items packed by a packing professional (UPS and FedEx) can affect how shipping damage claims are processed by the shipping agency.

The packing and shipping fees are the “actual packing and shipping fees”. I do NOT inflate those fees like some sellers do!!! I have no control over the shipping fees.

I do not provide shipping estimates as they are inaccurate.

All sales are final, No warranties, No Refunds, and No Returns.









